Discover the spiritual and healing powers of pine trees, from traditional remedies to connecting with ancestors. Explore how evergreen wisdom fosters healing and community.
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for reducing the risk of preterm birth, but most prenatal supplements fall short. Learn how to ensure adequate intake for pregnancy health.
- By Matthew Wood
Shamanism has long used plants for both healing and inducing shifts in consciousness. This article delves into the deep connection between plants and spiritual transformation, exploring how shamanic practices utilize plant medicine to guide individuals through profound changes in awareness and well-being. By understanding the role of neurotransmitters and the spiritual significance of plant-based remedies, we can better appreciate the ancient wisdom that underlies shamanic healing traditions.
Castor oil is gaining popularity among health influencers for everything from skin and hair care to weight loss. However, not all claims are backed by science. While castor oil is known for its moisturizing properties and its use as a laxative, experts caution against overuse due to potential side effects. Always proceed with care, especially if applying to the skin or using as a laxative, and be mindful of any allergic reactions.
Animals self-medicate with plants − behavior people have observed and emulated for millennia
How cannabis and psilocybin might help some of the 50 million Americans who are experiencing chronic pain
Caffeine: here’s how quitting can benefit your health..
Vitamin D supplements can keep bones strong – but they may also have other benefits to your health
How can I lower my cholesterol? Do supplements work? How about psyllium or probiotics?
Imagine a world where you could control your sense of time. Where trips to the dentist flew by in a second and holidays felt like they lasted forever.
In our pursuit of better health and well-being, we must equip ourselves with the knowledge that can potentially enhance our lives and those of our loved ones.
You've probably heard of catnip in relationship to cats. Some cats really love it. On the other hand, bugs hate catnip. I'm talking of mosquitoes, black flies...
Finding new drugs – called “drug discovery” – is an expensive and time-consuming task. But a type of artificial intelligence called machine learning can massively accelerate the process and do the job for a fraction of the price.
If you look up at the sky on a clear day, you might notice little cobweb-like structures drifting across your field of vision. They are known as floaters or, more formally, muscae volitantes – Latin for flying flies.
Many people are rightly wondering which of these compounds are legal, whether it is safe to consume them and which of their supposed medicinal benefits hold up to scientific scrutiny.
For many people, spring has brought with it the dreaded symptoms of hay fever, such as itchy eyes, sneezing and a stuffy nose. Hay fever is common, affecting up to 42% of people. It occurs when the immune system overreacts to allergens including pollen.
Psychedelics may better treat depression and anxiety symptoms than prescription antidepressants for patients with advanced cancer.
- By Bryant Lusk
Green tea is consistently featured in the list of the healthiest beverages in the world, and for good reason.
- By Kent E Vrana
Though hemp and marijuana belong to the same species of plant, Cannabis sativa, they each have a unique chemistry, with very different characteristics and effects.
If you were to open your medicine cabinet right now, there’s a fair chance that you’d find at least one bottle of vitamins alongside the painkillers, plasters and cough syrup.
Great care must be taken when using essential oils around the very young. These same guidelines should also be followed with the elderly and with those who are frail or whose immune systems are severely compromised.
- By Hazel Flight
There’s been a lot of chat on social media over the past few months about the importance of magnesium supplements.
- By Tobias Eckle
All human body functions also follow this daily rhythm, and the timing of behaviors like exercise or food intake can significantly influence your health.