- By Paul Yachnin
Shakespeare lived his life in plague-time. He was born in April 1564, a few months before an outbreak of bubonic plague swept across England and killed a quarter of the people in his hometown.
- By Pam Lock
The evolution of the novel and short story in the 19th century brought us one of the greatest human sources of comfort, besides food and a nice hot bath.
Watching cute cat videos and looking at their online pictures may not be a waste of time. A new study has found doing so could boost energy levels and increase feelings of happiness.
A plague of serious proportions is ravaging the world. But not for the first time. From 1347-51, the Black Death killed anywhere from one-tenth to one-half (or more) of Europe’s population.
A new social music app is pushing the boundaries of music creation by making recording artists out of novices with little to no musical training or traditional talent.
Many musicians are reaching out from isolation on balconies, in condos or the outdoors during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Seeking to bend the coronavirus curve, governors and mayors have told millions of Americans to stay home. If you’re pondering what to read, it’s easy to find lists featuring books about disease outbreaks, solitude and living a simpler life.
My name is Dillon and this is a story of how I woke from the dream of the world -- a trance which controlled my thinking, my behavior, my relationships, and my future -- a trance which affected every aspect of my life, and a trance of which I was completely unaware...
- By Emily Thomas
Philosophers and others have argued for centuries that real-world travel comes second to armchair travel.
- By Grace Terry
Various versions of the following story were circulated through the Human Potential Movement of the 1960s and 70s: Once upon a time, a long time ago, there lived two very happy people called Tim and Maggie with two children called John and Lucy. To understand how happy they were...
- By Valerie Khoo
In your hectic life, you might feel as if you're always rushing -- from a client meeting to a seminar, then to an aerobics class, then to drinks with friends. Even though you might enjoy, and perhaps even thrive on, this busy timetable, it's still crucial that you schedule blocks of 'Me Time'.
Disney’s recent deal with the immersive experience company Secret Cinema signals a new era for the cinema industry.
You may have heard of binaural beats, an auditory illusion that has been touted as having stress-busing properties, and is the subject of countless hours of videos on YouTube and elsewhere.
We sang a popular duet, Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s “Shallow,” to the room’s applause, and I remembered how good it felt to sing into a microphone.
Movies starring lead actors from underrepresented groups perform as well as those with white male leads, a new report shows.
Have you ever found yourself about to say, “that’s ironic,” only to stop yourself – unsure whether you were using the word correctly?
The European Patent Office recently turned down an application for a patent that described a food container. This was not because the invention was not novel or useful, but because it was created by artificial intelligence (AI).
Fewer work hours as a win-win – improving productivity for employers while giving employees what they want.
When people see my art, they often exclaim, "You are so creative! I cannot even draw a straight line!" My answer is the same, "I cannot draw a straight line either; when I need one, I get a ruler!" Creativity has nothing to do with art...
The shortlist for that category is, for the 87th time in 92 ceremonies, all male, and some might say, all rather macho to boot.
Researchers have surveyed more than 2,500 people in the United States and China about their emotional responses to these and thousands of other songs from genres including rock, folk, jazz, classical, marching band, experimental, and heavy metal.
The roots of the reinvention go back to the early 1980s. Adaptations like the BBC’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Lord of the Rings and NPR/BBC’s Star Wars changed how radio drama was viewed.
Don’t buy the novelty baby Yoda. Don’t buy that game of toilet golf. Don’t buy the wine flask bra. Just. Don’t.