Trauma can be social, even global, as well as individual. Man-made social cataclysms and natural disasters influence the herd mentality.
Your mental dictionary is part of what makes you unique ? here’s how your brain stores and retrieves words
Self-control isn’t always a good thing – having too much can be bad for your mental health
Where compassion is, fear cannot be. Just as gratitude is the opposite of resentment, bitterness, and fear, compassion and judgment are also opposites. Compassion expands our energy, whereas judgment contracts it.
- By Steve Taylor
Our prehistoric ancestors lived in a state of connection, without a sense of separateness to their immediate environment or their community. However, at some point a “fall” into disconnection occurred.
We live in a world that urges us to pick a side and see things as good or bad, right or wrong.
The ‘Zoom effect’ and the possible link between videochatting and appearance dissatisfaction
Pretending to be perfect—all good, brilliant, enlightened—is an impossible dream here on planet Earth, for we are imperfect human beings. Yet how we waste time longing for it and seeking it in others
- By Boris Kester
It’s all a matter of perception. My motivation to travel is fired by an unbridled curiosity for unknown places, for people with very different lives and for cultures that are remote from mine.
We all know that feeling when nature calls – but what’s far less understood is the psychology behind it. Why, for example, do we get the urge to pee just before getting into the shower, or when we’re swimming?
Uncertainty is one of life's inevitabilities. And we all cope with it and accept it – more or less. But a chronic disease like MS can raise that level of uncertainty to a new level - to scary, unfamiliar territory.
- By Jude Bijou
Desperately we strive to gain control over the unknown. And as a result, we call ourselves "stressed" out. Does this apply to you or someone you know?
Most of us feel traumatized by what seems like an out-of-control life. But the good news is there is something we can do.
We each stand at the center of our own thoughts, feelings and needs, and thus experience them in a way that we cannot experience the thoughts, feelings and needs of others.
Social media use has been shown to decrease mental health and well-being, and to increase levels of political polarization.
Never in the history of humanity have we been exposed to such an infinite variety of opinions, beliefs, forms of behavior, customs and so on. Humanity has become a melting pot of world dimensions!
Something strange is going on in women’s happiness research. Because despite having more freedom and employment opportunities than ever before, women have higher levels ofanxiety
- By Jude Bijou
We all sometimes say and do things we regret. What is the upside of a genuine apology? What is the cost of not apologizing?
There are five deep-seated, albeit outdated, beliefs that have kept your helper pattern firmly anchored in your daily life.