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In this Article:
- What does it mean to start over each day?
- How can letting go of past resentments improve your daily life?
- Practical tips for renewing your attitude every morning.
- How does expecting positivity change your daily experiences?
Embrace Each Day: How to Start Fresh and Let Go
by Marie T. Russell.
We humans tend to hold grudges. We remember what someone said or did or how they behaved and we resent them for it. And not only that, we expect them to continue the same behavior in the present and in the future. We might say we'd like them to change, but we instead look for the same behavior from them the next time we see them - even if it's a behavior we dislike, we expect it.
Since the Universe tends to give us what we expect, then lo and behold, the person behaves in the same obnoxious or whatever manner that they did before. We're holding that image or expectation in our consciousness and sure enough it manifests. But there is a way out of this dilemma other than trying to change the other person (which, by the way, never works anyway). The method that works is to change our expectations and our thoughts.
A New Day
We can face each day as a brand new day (which of course it is). But, more than that, we can also see others as a brand new person. Just think if you didn't face your spouse with resentment over what they said or did yesterday, or maybe even last year, how your attitude would be different. Instead of approaching him (or her) with resentment, anger, frustration, or whatever negative emotions and thoughts are reverberating in your head, you approached them as a new person... or maybe the person you fell in love with.
Same goes with people we are in touch with "out in the world" whether at work or in our daily excursions to the store, the gym, etc. Just because someone was rude to you one day, or aloof, does not mean they will be again. However, if you approach them with an attitude, then chances are they will give you what you are expecting. They will feel your "vibe" and unconsciously respond in the same manner.
So I like to give (or at least I intend to give) every person a clean slate when I see them again. I let go of the past remembrances of what they did (or didn't do), or what they said (or didn't say), or whatever... I like to start fresh as if the past does not exist. Yes, I know this can be easier said than done, but we must start with our intention and then, with practice, it will become easier.
We can choose to let go of past aggravations with this person, past judgments, past resentments or hurts, or whatever, and start anew. This is truly living in the moment.
Wake Up To A Brand New Possibility
I remember as a young adult I had a roommate who said to me one morning (or maybe more than once): "Do you always have to wake up in a good mood?" That had surprised me as I had not realized that 1) I apprently woke up each day in a good mood and 2) I didn't see why I shouldn't or wouldn't want to. After all, yesterday is gone and finished, and we start a brand new day, each and every day. We get a chance to start over.
If we get up grumpy, then we are sowing seeds of more grumpiness and and unhappiness. Then we are actually living the proverbial getting up on the wrong side of the bed which in many cases might literally mean hitting your head on a wall (literal or not).
But if you get up happy and looking forward to a new day with new possibilities, then the Universe will support you in your quest for joy and happiness. And, yes, if you get up expecting troubles and misery, the Universe will support you in that as well. A loving Universe will give you what you are "asking for" through your expectations.
I like to describe the Universe (or God, or whatever other name you choose) as a big YES! It says yes to whatever you state as your belief. So that's why it's so important to be careful of what we're thinking and projecting out into the world. And it's also our greatest power... Because what we project (believe, expect, etc.) is what the Universe will say YES to.
Don't Muddy Your Day with Negative Expectations
So many of us tend to be negative about our future, whether short-term or long-term. I'm not sure why we think it's better to expect negative results rather than positive results. Maybe so we won't be disappointed?
But frankly I'd rather expect wonderful things even if I don't get them (maybe because it's not the right time or place) than expecting negative things. At least in the interim between my expectation and the manifestation of the result, I can be happy and look forward to a wonderful resolution.
If I expect the worst, then I start being miserable right away. Seems to me that just looking at it from a "time-management" stand-point, my time is best spent expecting wonderful results than expecting sour ones. At least I will live in the present moment with pleasant expectations and joy.
Related Book and Card Deck:
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by Jacky NewcombMessages from Heaven cards fills a gap between the hugely popular ‘Angel Cards’ and the new fascination for ‘Afterlife Communication’. This distinctive 44 color card deck helps people to reach out to the other side of life in a familiar way. The deck can be used in numerous ways to connect with direction from loved-ones in heaven and for continued, positive and uplifting guidance and support.
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About The Author
Marie T. Russell is the founder of InnerSelf Magazine (founded 1985). She also produced and hosted a weekly South Florida radio broadcast, Inner Power, from 1992-1995 which focused on themes such as self-esteem, personal growth, and well-being. Her articles focus on transformation and reconnecting with our own inner source of joy and creativity.
Creative Commons 3.0: This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License. Attribute the author: Marie T. Russell, Link back to the article: This article originally appeared on
Article Recap:
Marie T. Russell discusses the importance of shedding past resentments and approaching each day as a new opportunity. She highlights the power of positive expectations and the impact of starting each day with a fresh mindset. By letting go of negative past experiences, individuals can enhance their daily life and embrace new possibilities. Russell emphasizes the role of personal intention in transforming daily interactions and overall outlook.