We need the mental plane, and it can be our greatest ally; but it can be our biggest enemy. The mental plane has the capacity to take us to the past. It can also take us to the future, but the mind needs to be trained or it will...
- By Diana Cooper
You are blessed to be on Earth at this time, preparing for the new Golden Age. You are asked to make the most of this God-given chance. In order to be prepared you are expected to clear yourself of all fear and negativity and replace it with love, peace, joy and abundance...
While we all want to experience a deeper peace in our lives, most of us have little time to practice spiritual disciplines. As a teacher of workshops on happiness and spirituality, I’ve looked for quick ways to help people to quiet their minds.
Even brief sessions of mindfulness meditation—25 minutes for three consecutive days—can alleviate stress, new research suggests. “More and more people report using meditation practices for stress reduction, but we know very little about how much you need to do for stress reduction and health benefits..."
- By Osho
Very few people are sleeping well, so when you have not slept well in the night you are a little tired during the day. If that is the case, then do something with your sleep. It should be made deeper. You can sleep for eight hours, and if it is not deep you will feel hungry for sleep, starved...
Mind mastery is the ability to stop thinking whenever you want. You use your mind as the amazing tool that it is, and then ‘put it down’ when you’re done. As a result, a master of the mind enjoys freedom from problems because they no longer take their mind so seriously.
- By Ajayan Borys
Clearing and opening the heart chakra releases emotional blocks and attachments. When this chakra is not clear, you may experience great ups and downs in your feelings and be subject to emotional drama. You may also be jealous, clingy, and demanding in your relationships...
Similar to getting an oil change every 3,000 miles, you benefit from doing some sort of Chakra Meditation regularly. Just as you wash your car when it is dirty, you can use a Chakra Meditation to clean up whenever you are not feeling your best...
I suggest clients use the Light Work - Space Clearing Meditation when there is discord in the house, yet remind them that to clear someone else’s space is unethical. This is a highly effective technique for clearing common areas if there is fighting going on in the home, you have a home office...
How do we integrate our spiritual practice into our daily life and professional work? How do we really bring it alive in the world, make it acceptable to our friends, co-workers, and clients? How do we celebrate our interconnectedness in our work and in our relationships in the world?
To help us embrace mystifying messages that flow through our own inner wisdom and the divine mystery, the following exercises activate four of our seven chakras — the Solar Plexus, the Heart, the Throat, and the Third Eye.
- By Jack Angelo
Working with the breath is the most time-honored meditation technique. Moreover, breathing meditation arises from its simplicity — the breath is always with us. When you practice breathing meditation, your mind follows your breathing. The air comes in and goes out...
- By Sarah McLean
Meditation is an essential travel partner on your journey of personal transformation. Meditation connects you with your soul, and this connection gives you access to your intuition, your heartfelt desires, your integrity, and the inspiration to...
- By Jack Angelo
If something prevents us from breathing, our brain alerts us to take steps to breathe. This necessity to breathe and to join with all other living, breathing beings in this way can be a basis for finding meaning in life itself...
Mindfulness meditation can be practiced at your desk, on a train or bus, or in a supermarket line... You can also use it when you’re faced with a particularly challenging situation, those times when we’re more likely to fall back onto automatic pilot...
The following meditation works to open the channels of the human energy system. It burns away obstructions in energy flow, providing the mind with the monumental energy needed to be fully attentive to the present moment.
Each of us has male and female energies within us. We need to develop these energies fully, so they can interact in harmony with each other. Some people have resistance to the words female and male. If it’s more comfortable for you, substitute the words yin and yang, active and receptive...
The present moment was Thoreau’s great theme in his Walden experiment. He defines it as the line of meeting of two great eternities, the past and the future. Mindfulness practice is the attempt to “toe that line.” No action or experience was outside Thoreau’s practice, and nothing need be outside ours...
In order to be most effective in any intentional act of healing, co-creation, or transformation, all Planetary Healing work starts from and is threaded through the heart center. True wisdom is perceived from the heart. The Heart Breath practice will...
The word 'meditation' comes from the Latin meditari, 'to heal'. If you were to ask me what we are healing, I would say that apart from rejuvenating and calming our whole self, we are healing the disconnection with our real self — the authentic part of us that is in touch with the whole universe...
- By Sanaya Roman
The mind is one of your most powerful tools when it clearly receives and interprets the guidance coming from your innermost self. If you want clarity, ask your soul to give it to you. Your soul has the answers, as well as a connection to the flows of...
You already know how to make your body tense and rigid by becoming mentally stressed. Tight neck and shoulders, headaches, digestive problems, constipation, and hypertension are all manners of physical ailments resulting from a chaotic, runaway mind. However, you...
When was the last time you thanked your body for all it does for you on a daily basis? The “inward smile” is an ancient practice, a way to deeply honor the body by acknowledging it and sending it gratitude. It’s also a practice you can begin in the next minute.