You are the superhero that can help us reinstate peace and balance on Earth when you join forces with your divine inner child and allow your divinity to flow through every cell of you. How is this possible? Your wise and incredible Soul is living through you and through other personalities in the human collective at the same time. We call these other personalities your “parallel lives.”
Have you ever had a dream where you were someone else, living somewhere else, and the dream felt so real that when you woke up, you were surprised to be in the life you are living? All these dream lives, together with your past lives, and the experiences of your ancestors are stories that you can access through your subconscious.
Can you comprehend the number of generations that live within you, the parallel lives that connect with this life, and all the past lives of these parallel lives together with the past lives that you have felt glimpses of in this life? Your stories, from the present and past, provide vibrational pathways to send healing out to those in need of undiluted love. The 12 Archangels of the Central Sun, together with the Ascended Masters and Helpers in Heaven, need to reach those suffering and disconnected egos through the vast libraries of beliefs, thoughts, memories, and feelings that can be accessed through YOU.
Shifting Out of Fear
We ask that you join us in bringing love to the disturbing movies of Schoolroom Earth that desperately need a vibrational shift out of fear. We ask that you use the divine laws to give your own humanity a vibrational super shift and from there, together, we can send healing energy to where transformation is needed. Let us show you how this works for your greatest good and the greatest good of all concerned.
We begin by asking you to help us to flood your schoolroom with peace and balance. As the undiluted love flows into the negative strife of internal conflict between your wounded ego and Soul, disharmony rises to be transformed. Because of the divine Law of As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without, together with our help, you become a powerful transformer of conflict in the global movie.
Please read through this deepest healing exercise slowly and continue to read it until you can sense the peace flowing into your cells and disharmony being pushed up and out. We are in this with you, lifting the fear, conflict, and imbalance to the Central Sun.
Meditation: Bringing Peace and Balance to Earth
(To open the audio of the guided meditation on a separate page, click here.)
Close your eyes and breathe slowly until you feel centered and secure. Step through the purple door into a coral landscape. Once you enter the coral world, say, “I invite my being to be rebalanced by my Soul.”
Just ahead of you are two huge piles of black sand. The pile on the right is bigger than the pile on the left. When you look around, you notice that there are six palm trees growing in the coral landscape and all of them are on the left. There seems to be nothing growing on the right. The rest of the landscape is barren, like dried-out, red-orange mud.
Place your hands on your abdomen and say, “Fear out, love in.” See your divine inner child, divine feminine, and divine masculine pouring violet-fire water on the black sand pile. They are pouring the energy on the line that has been drawn in the middle of the sand. Keep repeating, “Fear out, love in.”
Soon you will feel and see that the sand is disappearing. Say, “Peace in, conflict out.” Keep your hands relaxed on your abdomen and take deep breaths, pushing your belly into your hands when you inhale. The black sand completely disappears. Watch as the palm trees spread over the coral landscape and now grow on the right side as well as the left.
Say, “Thank you, Creator, for filling my humanity with peace and balance for the greatest good and the highest joy of all!”
The coral landscape is being filled with vegetation and flowers of many colors. A beautiful Angel appears. Say, “Thank you, Archangel Gaia, for rebalancing your planet. Thank you for helping me to rebalance my body and my life. Thank you for transforming the self-hatred of your children into love and respect for one another. I Am so grateful.”
Stand under a violet-fire waterfall and release any selves from your past that still feel conflicted or bitter. Say, “I forgive it all, even if I don’t want to forgive it. I invite peace and balance to fill my being and the One Human Body that I live within.”
Invite the violet-fire waterfall to transform into a rainbow vortex of undiluted love. Stand in the vortex and become the vortex of love. Grow until you are vast. Feel our energy merge with you. From this place of unity and Divine Oneness, we send peace, balance, and respect into the atoms of every particle of Creator’s energy on Earth. As above, so below and as within, so without, obeying the Law of One and the Law of Energy.
Interpreting the Symbolic Language of the Above Exercise
* The coral landscape represents your second, or Soul, chakra located around your belly button area. By asking you to focus on this chakra, we can reach all Souls and their human expressions through your Soul.
* The black grains of sand represent conflict between the ego and Soul, negative and resentful thoughts, unsettled feelings, and painful memories of victimization. They are also symbolic of time. The past will repeat itself in the future if the fear has not been transformed.
* The black color of the sand represents both fear and the potential energy locked in the fear.
* The six (number of love) growing palm trees represent fresh air, protection, nurturing, growing life, and creativity. In the beginning of the exercise, they are all on the left, which is symbolic of the feminine. When the trees move, some remain on the left and some move to the right, balancing the feminine with the masculine. Nature is constantly rebalancing and healing you.
* The vegetation and flowers represent love, beauty, harmony, and healing.
* We asked you to breathe into your belly. Your belly holds the Great Universe in the mirror of all the microbes that live within you, helping you to digest your emotions and your food to keep you alive.
* Coconut oil from the coconuts of the palm trees will kill parasites (symbolic of fear that feeds off fear) in your gut. This part of the exercise creates balance within you and automatically sends balance and health out into the cells of the One Human Body.
* We complete the exercise by having your ego forgive perceived mistakes from the past that might still cause anxiety. Violet fire transforms fear (guilt, shame, and blame) into love. Merging with the rainbow vortex of undiluted love fills you with inner peace. Your inner peace multiplies and flows from the oneness we create out to the collective and to all of Earth.
Each time you complete this healing experience, know that your human self is a peaceful and balanced cell in the body of the One Human Body. The cell that is you is now communicating with all the other cells in the One Human Body and raising the vibration of the other cells. This naturally encourages them to let go of conflict and fill up with peace.
The Three Divine Laws Working Through You
All three divine laws are working through you as you do our healing experience. You have used the singing colors of the rays of the Central Sun to raise the vibration of your energy (Law of Energy).
With your hands on your belly, you have called on the Law of One and by doing the exercise with us, we have enacted the Law of As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without.
YOU are as powerful as an Archangel, and together we can move Schoolroom Earth out of lack and into balance. Let’s do it!
Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved.
Adapted with permission of Bear & Company,
an imprint of Inner Traditions Intl.
Article Source:
BOOK: Angel Abundance
Angel Abundance: Revelations on True Wealth from the 12 Archangels
by Belinda J. Womack.• Shares 63 healing visualizations to transform fear, resolve debt, and become receptive to the infinite bounty of the Universe
• Learn how to tap in to the singing colors of the Central Sun that are mirrored in your chakras and raise your vibration to attract wealth—not only financial wealth, but anything you need to receive from Source to feel safe, happy, healthy, and free
• Offers nighttime practices to support your transformation into a vessel to receive the full blessings of Source as well as advanced practices to transform suffering
For more info and/or to order this book, click here. Also available as a Kindle edition and as an Audiobook.