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In This Article:
- What is Angelic Light Language, and how can it heal you?
- How sacred angel names unlock Ascension codes within your DNA.
- Why chanting invokes powerful transformations.
- How Angelic Light Language connects you with higher dimensions.
- Can vibrations and sound align you with your divine blueprint?
Angelic Light Language: Healing Through Sacred Sounds
by Alexandra Wenman.
Chant the names of each of these powerful Angels to activate your own Light Language, awaken the Ascension codes within your DNA, and restore your divine blueprint of full multidimensional consciousness.
The names of each of these Elohim came through via the angelic Language of Light. They are a combination of the sacred languages of Hebrew, Sanskrit, and other tones and sounds. Their names may sound like nonsense, but as we have discovered, nonsense has long been used as a tool to expand our consciousness and experience states of being beyond the physical.
Begin The Process
To begin, ensure you are sitting upright, with your feet flat on the floor and your back as straight as is comfortable for you. A lovely way to do this exercise is to chant the names while soaking in a relaxing warm salt bath.
Imagine a large diamond octahedron being placed in and around your energy field to shield and protect your space and simultaneously open a doorway to the highest diamond-light dimensions of Ascension. The diamond may shimmer and move as you progress through the exercise. You may see other symbols, shapes, colours, images, and beings as you tone.
As you chant or sing each Angel’s name, know that you are invoking the healing powers of that deity and accessing the dimensions of angelic sound healing frequencies. Tune in to the feelings and sensations each name delivers to you, without trying to make sense of what is happening on a logical level.
If other sounds and tones wish to come forward from within you, just let them flow. You will experience a rise in your vibration as a result, and may experience physical sensations, such as temperature changes, tingles, goosebumps, and a sense of being extremely grounded yet expanded at the same time. You may feel as though you have grown much taller than you actually are.
This chanting exercise is designed to open you to higher states of awareness and promote a deeper sense of healing and relaxation.
Below, I have included some information about what each Elohim may represent. However, it is best not to attach to these meanings but go with your own perception of what these divine beings reveal to you.
When the process is complete, ground yourself, and imagine the diamond around you is locking into place to seal your fields.
Chant the Names
Adnachiel – “Cosmic Fire”
Possible meanings: Pioneer Angel, adventure, new horizons, “Angel of independence” in Hebrew
Baruchatah – “Cosmic Ether”, “Cosmic Mind”
Possible meanings: berechiah = “Yaweh blesses”; buchatah, baruch = “blessed” + atah = “you”; thus, “Blessed are you”; barach = “knee”, brack = “lightning”. There is the implication of a downward motion; i.e., You, God, are coming down to us
Zacharia – “Cosmic Matter or Form”
Possible meanings: “God remembers” in Hebrew
Yeleliah – “Sound”
Possible meanings: yelel = “howling”; iah = “of God”; thus, Yeleliah means “howling of God” or “sound or voice of God”
Ishmahiah – “Resonance”
Possible meanings: ismachiah, yicmakyahuw = “Yahweh sustains”; ishmaiah = “Yahweh will hear”
Aurahiah or Oriahiah – “Frequency”
Possible meanings: oriaha from the Hebrew = “Light of God”
Zizfahah – “Light”
Possible meanings: Ziz (Hebrew: זיז) is a giant griffin-like bird in Jewish mythology, said to be large enough to be able to block out the sun with its wingspan; svaha = Sanskrit for “oblation”. “so be it”, “hail!”, “shout of joy”, “release”
Amiah – “Illumination”
Possible meanings: amia = “People of God”
Alleleia – “Radiation”
Possible meanings: alil = perhaps “furnace”, “crucible”; aliyah = “ascent”; ayah = “falcon”
Hierahahah – “Cosmic Heart”
Possible meanings: harhaiah, charhayah = “Fear of Yahweh”, “God protects”, “Heat of God”, “Glowing of God”, “Zeal of God”, “Ardour of God”
Sheknahila – “Cosmic Soul”
Possible meanings: shecaniah, shechaniah, = “Dweller with Yahweh”
Yod Heh Vav Heh – “God, Elohim” (as you see it from an even higher perspective, a more cosmic and divine perspective, rather than a human perspective)
Possible meanings: “Infinite creation”, “the divine”, “the all”, “the oneness”, and “you as part of it all”
The Science of Angelic Names
Angels are mathematically quantifiable, high-level, plasma beings, and evidence of them can even be found in our DNA, according to physicist Dan Winter. As I see it, in very basic sacred geometry terms, if we picture the corner of a triangle and place humans on one side or plane of the triangle (or in one dimension of existence) and the divine on the other side or plane of the triangle (or in another dimension of existence), the “Angel” would represent the “angle”, or ratio/relationship between the two sides.
So we could say that the Angel acts as the bridge between ourselves and the divine. This is a bridge in consciousness and, the way I interpret it is that, as we raise our vibration and expand our consciousness to become more angelic, we get closer to living in alignment with our divinity and activating and embodying our innate God/Goddess presence.
To further highlight this point, we can look at the etymology and phonetics of the names of many of the Archangels, which are written in the Hebrew language. Said to be a sacred language, each of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet aligns to the mathematics of sacred geometry and the patterns of creation, as every individual letter can be formed from the Star of David, or Magen David. Hebrew letters can also be created from the spirals within the human heart.
Even more amazing is that when Hebrew letters are pronounced verbally, vibrations in the voice can cause sand grains to take on the shape of the Hebrew characters. This adds weight to the creative power of sound, which is reflected in the Biblical saying: “In the beginning was the word.”
Most of the Archangel names end in the suffix “el”, which means “God”, “Deity”, or “of God” in Hebrew. And each Archangel’s name describes the properties it represents. For example, Michael is the one “who is like God”, or “will of God”; Raphael is the one who “God has healed”; Gabriel is “God is my strength”; and so on.
When you speak the Archangel or Angel’s name aloud, you are vibrating and commanding the creative principle of the divine that the individual Angel represents. You are invoking that angelic aspect within yourself, so you are calling up your inner Michael (or your inner divine will) to create the energy of protection around you. In essence, when you speak the Angel’s name, you are becoming the Angel.
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Adapted with permission of the publisher,
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BOOK: Archangel Alchemy Healing
Archangel Alchemy Healing: The Celestial Science in the Vibration of the Universe
by Alexandra Wenman.
Archangel Alchemy is an angelic energy healing system that aligns you with the angelic kingdom and allows you to connect with your purest divine blueprint. Providing meditations, invocations, channeled guidance, and healing practices, Alexandra Wenman shows you how to tap into your own magical and healing gifts by experiencing and embodying angelic qualities and vibrations.
With numerous practical applications, this comprehensive guide enables anyone to harness the power of angelic energies to heal, harmonize, and fully align with your soul purpose.
For more info and/or to order this book, click here. Also available as an Audiobook and as a Kindle edition.
About the Author
Article Recap:
Using sacred names of angels, derived from Hebrew, Sanskrit, and divine sounds, invokes healing and awakens Ascension codes. Chanting these names can restore your divine blueprint, expand your consciousness, and align you with your multidimensional self. The science behind these sounds reveals their connection to sacred geometry and the creative power of sound. By engaging with this practice, you can access higher dimensions, heal deeply, and embody your inner divinity.