Find five minutes a day to focus on peace and visualize this planet absolutely radiant, bathed totally in Light, Power, Love, and Harmony. When you do this, you are moving away from limited beliefs into expanded possibilities...
- By Rick Munoz
When I was 4 years old, my grandfather died. The preacher said "por fin el a alcanzado la paz" which means (in Spanish) that he has finally reached peace. As I listened to him I began to think that peace was really important if grandfather had to go away to attain it. So I asked my mom what it meant "to have peace".
Around 600,000 years ago, humanity split in two. One group stayed in Africa, evolving into us. The other struck out overland, into Asia, then Europe, becoming Homo neanderthalensis – the Neanderthals.
- By Pythia Peay
As more women tell their stories and take their place on the stage of history, a growing number are emerging as peace heroines in their own right. And, of course, there are the ordinary stories of women who day after day weave the thread of peace into the fabric of daily life.
- By Liam Kennedy
Europeans are not looking to the US to lead during the pandemic emergency, as they might have done in the past.
As someone who has studied the lives of Iran’s working classes, I know just how damaging economic warfare has been. It’s hit young Iranians, who comprise a large portion of the population, particularly hard.
There is a personality profile that is linked to war crimes. It raises the question of whether military organisations could and should take more care when recruiting people.
- By Tom Voss
There’s only so much adrenaline a human body can make. There’s not enough to make love and war. To make war, you have to leave the love behind.
This interview is indicative of now how valuable Colonel Wilkerson's counsel is to the peaceful loving world.
Relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran have rarely been worse, regarding the attacks on the oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman
Hondurans fleeing poverty and violence – who make up most of the participants of a “caravan” estimated at between 7,000 and 8,000 people – are slowly moving through Mexico in the hope of reaching the United States and receiving refuge.
Many are worried about the risk of war between the U.S. and Iran. But the truth is, the U.S. has been fighting with Iran for decades in an economic war waged via sanctions.

British Major General Chris Ghika, the number two officer in the US led coalition fighting ISIS in Syria and Iraq, briefed Pentagon reporters and directly disputing what the Trump administration has been saying for the past ten days about Iran.
Governments are becoming ever more reliant on digital technology, making them more vulnerable to cyber attacks.
Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has promised to resign by the end of the month. That announcement came after thousands of Algerians took to the streets in March to protest his decision to run for a fifth term.
Warning that Islamic extremists want to impose fundamentalist religious rule in American communities, right-wing lawmakers in dozens of U.S. states have tried banning Sharia, an Arabic term often understood to mean Islamic law.
- By Bin Li
On March 27, India announced it had successfully conducted an anti-satellite (ASAT) missile test, called “Mission Shakti”. After the United States, Russia and China, India is now the fourth country in the world to have demonstrated this capability.
The recent massacre of 50 Muslim worshippers at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand is the latest confirmation that white supremacy is a danger to democratic societies across the globe.
The names of American-born Hoda Muthana and Brit Shamima Begum have appeared in countless headlines in the United States and Europe since these two female members of the Islamic State group were discovered in a large displaced persons camp weeks ago.
While Europe was in the early days of the Renaissance, there were empires in the Americas sustaining more than 60m people.
The New York Times revealed that the Obama administration had prepared a cyberattack plan to be carried out against Iran in the event diplomatic negotiations failed to limit that country’s nuclear weapons development.