It’s a full Moon. If past months have been anything to go by, this will be accompanied by a round of public chat about how this affects human behavior – claims of more hospital admissions and arrests, to crazy antics in children.
The Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks were the worst acts of terrorism on American soil to date. Designed to instill panic and fear, the attacks were unprecedented in terms of their scope, magnitude and impact on the American psyche.
The Soviet Union and now Russia under Vladimir Putin have waged a political power struggle against the West for nearly a century.
- By Pythia Peay
For others, as for myself, the yearning for just a drop of miraculous balm to quiet the troubled waters of daily life is universal. Loved ones hope to heal the bitter quarrels that sunder them from one another. Busy people maneuver to snatch a moment of calm. Those who are poor long for the peace of a full stomach and physical security.
Media coverage of Donald Trump’s presidency has fixated on his outlandish, off-the-cuff tweets, his ill-conceived and inflammatory positions on immigration, race relations and climate change, his “America First” mantra, and his unrelenting attacks on the various inquiries into collusion with Russia.
Before 1914, flowers in everyday life spelt beauty, femininity and innocence; they were seen as part of women’s culture.
When Americans think of being at war, they might think of images of their fellow citizens suffering. We count the dead and wounded. We follow veterans on their difficult journey of recovery...
What causes terrorism? The combination of the horrendous terrorist attack in Manchester and a British general election inevitably meant that this question would dominate political and media discourses.
The bombing of Manchester Arena on May 22 struck the very heart of British society. It was a horrific, direct assault on the innocent and the vulnerable.
On Memorial Day, we pay respects to the fallen from past wars – including the more than one million American soldiers killed in the Civil War, World Wars I and II, Korea and Vietnam.
A January 2017 Pew survey showed that Americans rate terrorism as the top priority for the Trump administration and Congress.
The Trump administration’s surprise missile strike on Syria raised many more questions than it answered – and the most pressing are those related to the future of the US’s relationship with Russia.
"If there's anything we should've learned from the wars in Iraq and's that it's easier to get into a war than get out of one"
Testifying before a congressional committee, FBI Director James Comey has confirmed that his agency is investigating links between the Donald Trump campaign and Russia.
The risk of thermonuclear war has rarely been greater. But despite the growing threat, the general public are less prepared than they ever have been to cope with an attack.
Much has been written lately about Russia “hacking” the US presidential elections, and how Vladimir Putin’s government is in a new Cold War with the West.
In the two month interregnum between the 2016 presidential election and Donald Trump’s inauguration, many hoped that the new president’s bark would be worse than his bite
At the tip of the Arabian peninsula, Yemen’s disastrous war has been raging for nearly two years.
The liberation of Mosul, the last stronghold of Islamic State (IS) in Iraq, appears to be imminent.
It’s not often that any one of us needs to dial 911, but we know how important it is for it to work when one needs it.
Gang violence is forcing people to flee Central America and Mexico, heading north to the United States in record numbers. Right?
The era in which we live is now officially described as an atomic Anthropocene or the “age of humans”, an epoch defined by humans’ impact on the planet – and one of its most distinctive features is radiation.
The Syrian civil war and subsequent refugee migration caused sudden changes in the area’s land use and freshwater resources, according to new satellite data.